● Hustle is the Simple, Speedy, Smooth & Dinamic Dance
The Hustle is characterized by fast moving patterns with many turns. Fancy arm styling and big presentation lines are also characteristic of the dance. Like west coast swing, the hustle tends to spotlight the lady. In general the lady’s turning actions and movements are greater than those of the leader. Also, like west coast swing, the hustle is a smooth dance, without lilt. A mistake is to hop or bounce on the syncopated step. Instead, the dance should be smooth through all steps. Based on older dances such as the mambo, the Hustle originated in Hispanic communities in New York City and Florida in the 1970s. This was originally a line dance with a Salsa-like foot rhythm, that after some fusion with swing and eventual shortening of the count to "&1 2 3", became the present "New York" Hustle
” 難し度 ”とはそのダンスが” ある程度踊れるようになるまでの時間的,テクニック的強度 ”です。
● West Coast Swing is the Modern Swing
West Coast Swing is a modern version of swing…except that it is typically a lot slower, danced to Pop, Blues, R&B, Rap, etc. and looks nothing like “traditional” swing. So if you like dancing, but are a little lazy like music, but can’t commit to one genre… and want to talk to people, but need a helpful phrase like: “would you like to dance?”... West Coast Swing might be for you! Watch out…it’s addictive.
West Coast Swing is continually influenced by new music and the style changes as new music is released. It is loved for its versatility (because you can dance to many different music genres) and improvisation (because dancers are not confined to one style and have creative freedom). West Coast Swing is a social dance meaning it is easy to meet new people while you are circulating the room.
West Coast Swing is the 'Official State dance of California'. San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles all argue about what city West Coast Swing originated in, however Los Angeles California area tends to win the debate. West Coast Swing originated from an earlier dance known as the Savoy Style Lindy, which was done at the Savoy Ballroom in New York in the early 1930's. Although WCS was not invented by, it was indirectly spawned by a man whose name was Dean Collins, who also danced at the Savoy while living in New
” 難し度 ”とはそのダンスが” ある程度踊れるようになるまでの時間的,テクニック的強度 ”です。